May 30, 2020

May 30 Facebook Live Wrapup - Water

Prize Winners

Rachel March Goldfinch Birdbath
Devin Muller Solar Water Wiggler
Kathy Resener Aurora Water Wiggler
Lara Lara Birdbath Raft
Connie Ledvina Songbird Spa
Laura Christine Ivy-Buck Water Wigler
Lisa Willy-Meeker Copper Dripper/Fountain HBird
Barney Combs Copper Dripper/Fountain Lotus
Jodi Butler Leaf Shaped Birdbath with stand
Rastinalli Jundalu Scroll Detail Tabletop Birdbath
Alan Wigodner Audubon Bird Bath
Jean Pfeofer Nicklas Mini Garden BBath Green
Donna Sloan Baba 8 oz. BB Protector
Donna Duda 4 oz. BB Protecto
Stefanie Miller Lacava Songbird Spa


"Taking Good Bird Photos" webinars, sponsored by the American Bird Conservancy. These free webinars go over the basics of bird photography, including recommendations on gear and camera settings. Learn more here.

Live Shows
It is so important to us to encourage everyone to see the beauty and wonder of God’s world.

"Remember Nature is a Stress Reliever from God. Take time today to listen to the Birds Sing."
Bird Man Mel
Bird Man Mel

Working Together for a better future

  • Mobility Worldwide
  • North American Bluebird Society
  • PMCA
  • National Audubon Society
  • Columbia Audubon Society